Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thankful Thursdays - 4/10/14 - Struggles

Sometimes it's hard to show thankfulness, not because you don't see the blessings around you, but because something in your life is particularly hard.

I can understand that. Kurt had his gallbladder out on Tuesday. I am SO thankful for his surgeon, and all the great nursing staff, but my family might tell you I haven't seemed thankful this week. So many things to attend to, so much to think about, so many times & things that need attention.

Yes, I've had moments when I wasn't pleasant, but I'm really trying to show more thankfulness. I think the sunshine today helped me a little. I felt like the important & the urgent items BOTH got some attention today. Kurt is doing better, and I'm getting used to being his nurse at home.

Perhaps you've had a rough week. I've had friends this past month who were/are struggling with broken vehicles, flooded basements, deployed husbands, financial struggles, and family deaths. I try to remember to pray for them, as I know so many of them have lifted us up in prayer & the comfort it brings.

Each week, each day, each moment, we have so much to be thankful for. Let's lift each other up, let's show our thankfulness to God for all His blessings. Let's remember a kind word and a smile CAN make someone else's day better!

Even in our struggles, let us choose to be thankful!

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