Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thankful Thursdays ~ 12/17/15 ~ A Cup of Holiday Cheer

holiday cheer, thankfulness, fellowship
Do you appreciate the small opportunities for fellowship that abound this time of year? Are you willing to lay down your own idea of what should get accomplished each day in order to follow what God wants you to focus on? I am thankful for all of the fellowship opportunities that God has so graciously granted to us recently.

Just earlier this week we stopped at a friend's house to drop something off. Since we hadn't had time to chat for a while, the girls and I stayed for a bit. What did we talk about? A little of this, and a little of that. Some of it may even make it into a blog post...

My friend didn't scramble to try to make her home look perfect, or offer food they didn't have ~ she simply opened the door and invited us in. True, simple fellowship amongst friends, especially Christians, should be the norm, not the exception. It should be about being present, sharing one another's burdens, and rejoicing in the mercy God bestows upon us so lavishly. Stop trying to present an image, and open yourself to the wonderful freedom that comes from just being you. Embrace your friends as the true gifts from God that they are!

Reach out to someone and make a new friend. Invite someone over for a short visit, it may turn into the best thing you've done all week! A small opportunity to spend in fellowship, whether its over a glass of water or a mug of hot chocolate may be just what they, and you, need this week. 

In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we need to remember to value people over things, to seek out the Christ Child in our Christmas celebrations, and to witness the miracles that happen everyday! God does not call us to live a glamorous life, or even an easy life, but He does call us to live a joy-filled life!!! It is time to be thankful for a cup of holiday cheer!

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