Monday, January 11, 2016

What are you reflecting?

How did you spend the first week of this new year? Was it filled with parties, quiet reflection and goal setting, . . . or . . . shoveling snow? 

As you prepare to meet the rest of 2016, what do you want others to see in your life? 

The shiny glass ornaments many of us use on our Christmas trees reflect the scene around them, but with great distortion ~ kind of like looking at social media and everyone else's life ~ thinking it is always picture perfect, when it's really not.

Does the mirror in the bathroom shows a more accurate reflection? It can tell you if your hair is in place, if your teeth are flossed, or if your shirt is on straight. But can it tell you what is reflecting from your heart?

How can we understand what we are reflecting in our lives? The moon reflects the light of the sun. Our lives should be reflecting the light of the Son. Are they?

I encourage you to have some heart-to-heart time with a close friend or two during this month. Often, our friends can give us a clearer picture of what our hearts and lives are reflecting onto the world around us. Our friends can challenge us, sharpen us, encourage us. They can point us back to the Son.

Then take the time to ask God to show you what you are reflecting of Him. Time spent in God's Word points us back to the Son. It challenges us, prunes us, gives us hope! May we all be open to God's gentle pruning, before we become so far overgrown that He needs a chainsaw to set us back to rights.

Don't wait for someone else to be the initiator, choose to be the one who sets the time aside for fellowship, who invites others in, who listens with their heart, not just their ears! We older Moms especially need to be the ones to provide an opportunity for other moms to get away for a little while, to fellowship, to speak life and encouragement into one another. Ask God to make you into a Titus 2 woman, that He would be able to speak through you, and in doing so you could bring Him glory!

What are you reflecting today?

1 comment:

  1. Dear one--what lovely and vital words! Thank you so much for sharing them. Just love your heart! :)
